Lunenburg High School

Lunenburg High School
Open Now
Contact Information
Sandy Laserte
1079 Massachusetts Avenue, Lunenburg, Massachusetts 01462
Lunenburg High School Info

Lunenburg High School Courts:  With 6 hard courts available, including both indoor and outdoor options, it provides ample opportunities for pickleball enthusiasts to enjoy the game regardless of the weather conditions.

The fact that the lines are overlaid on tennis courts allows for a versatile setup and adds an interesting twist to the game. While the net being slightly taller than a standard pickleball net may require some adjustments in play, it also adds a unique challenge for players, making it an exciting experience.

Moreover, the free access to the courts is a great incentive for people to come and play without any financial burden. This inclusivity likely contributes to its popularity within the community.

Having amenities like restrooms is a thoughtful addition to the facility, ensuring players’ comfort and convenience during their time on the courts.

Overall, the combination of free access, indoor and outdoor options, and additional amenities makes Lunenburg High School Courts an attractive destination for pickleball players in Lunenburg, MA. It’s no wonder that it has become one of the most popular places to play pickleball in the area.

(This is the same location as “Lunenburg Middle High School” or “Lunenburg Middle School”. Not sure why this is so confusing. Often, when a school is referred to as a “Middle High School,” it serves students in both middle and high school grades, typically grades 6-12. It’s possible that Lunenburg High School has expanded to include middle grades or merged with a middle school and is now called Lunenburg Middle High School?)

Pickleball Courts
Outdoor Courts
Indoor Courts
YouTube video
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Lunenburg High School FAQ!

There are a total of 9 courts (5 indoor and 4 outdoor).

Lunenburg High School pickleball courts are open to the public.

Lunenburg High School has a good mix of indoor (5) and outdoor (4) pickleball courts. Indoor courts have good quality nets; there is no need to bring your own pickleball net for the outdoor courts - but you may want to call ahead just to double check.

See: Best pickleball nets for tennis courts

Lunenburg has many options to play pickleball; there are some private courts (not run by Lunenburg) that are particularly good. The pickleball courts run by the Lunenburg Recreation Department are fine for beginner pickleball players. As the demand for pickleball courts increases in Massachusetts, Lunenburg may need to invest in pickleball courts and facilities.

Courts Near Lunenburg High School
Boys & Girls Club of Leominster
365 Lindell Avenue, Leominster, Massachusetts 01453 4.49 mi
Open Now
Doyle Field in Leominster
171 Priest Street, Leominster, Massachusetts 01453 4.56 mi
Open Now
Orchard Hills Athletic Club
100 Duval Road, Lancaster, Massachusetts 01523 5.21 mi
Open Now
Game On Fitchburg
100 Game On Way, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420 7.23 mi
The Bromfield School
7 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard, Massachusetts 01451 9.7 mi
Open Now

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