Pickleball in Lowell, MA!

lowell pickleball sign

Lowell, Massachusetts, a city renowned for its rich history in America’s Industrial Revolution, has now become a hub for pickleball enthusiasts. Blending its historical charm with modern sports culture, Lowell offers a variety of pickleball experiences. The city’s scenic New England setting provides an ideal backdrop for both indoor and outdoor pickleball courts.

The Greater Lowell Family YMCA, one of the popular venues, offers two indoor courts with permanent lines and portable nets, and requires a membership for access. The city’s commitment to this sport is evident in its well-maintained facilities and the vibrant community of players who gather for games, tournaments, and social events, creating a unique blend of history and contemporary athletic spirit.

Shedd Park Pickleball
16 Boylston Street, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
Greater Lowell Family YMCA
35 Ymca Drive, Lowell, Massachusetts 01852