The dos and don’ts of pickleball: etiquette tips for new players
Oh, just behave!
As more and more people discover and start pickleball in 2024, it’s important to understand the rules and etiquette of the game. It’s really not that complicated.
Even though pickleball is relatively new, fun and very social, there are certain rules that need to be followed. Many of these are simply common sense… but in 2024 many people don’t have too much of it!
By following these basic pickleball guidelines, picklers can ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all. Those new to the sport should not be put off or hesitant to give pickleball a try.
We’ll cover what you cannot do in pickleball and pickleball etiquette to help new and experienced players alike get the most out of pickleabll.
What You Cannot Do in Pickleball
Pickleball has a few rules that may seem unusual or restrictive at first, but are necessary to maintain fairness and safety on the court. Here are the answers to some common questions about what you cannot do in pickleball.
See: The [absolute] worst 2023 pickleball rule!
Simple pickleball guidelines to know
Can you ever step in the kitchen in pickleball?
No. The kitchen in pickleball, also known as the non-volley zone, is the area directly in front of the net (7 feet from the net on each side of the court). Players are not allowed to step into here unless the ball has bounced first or if they are outside the zone. This helps prevent players from getting hit by the ball or spiking the ball as they do in volleyball.
Can you jump and land in the kitchen in pickleball?
There is no landing via jumping in the kitchen on the pickleball court. This is applicable even if the pickleball ball has bounced outside the zone. The rule helps prevent players from blocking their opponents’ shots or causing injuries due to collisions.
Can you talk during pickleball?
Yes, you for sure talk during a pickleball game. This can be a game of concentration so you might want to keep it to a minimum. Excessive talking or noise can be distracting to opponents and disrupt the flow of the game.
Can you yell out to your partner in pickleball?
Depends on what you mean by “yell”. Pickleball players are allowed to call out to their partners to coordinate shots or to signal when to switch positions. Yelling or shouting during the game can be disruptive to your opponents.
Those are the very simple pickleball guidelines and each one is important. Sometimes those new to pickleball just jump on the court and start whacking the ball, talking trash and lots of showmanship (“showpersonship”?). The game require a minimum amount of decorum so please act accordingly.
And if that’s not enough…. some pickleball etiquette.
Pickleball Etiquette
In addition to following the basic rules of the game, it’s important to practice good sportsmanship and respect for opponents and partners. By doing so, players can help create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone on the court. Here are some examples of pickleball etiquette.
Pickleball serenity, for the love of the game

By following these examples of pickleball etiquette, players can help make the game more enjoyable for everyone on the court. Good sportsmanship and respect for opponents and partners are key to fostering a positive and inclusive pickleball community.